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Recent News

St Marlo Seals - Spring Workshop [Sign up for FREE]

Dear Seals families,

We're thrilled to announce another round of swim workshops in partnership with the British Swim School of Northeast Atlanta! Following the positive feedback and success of the last two years, we're excited to offer these valuable learning experiences to our swimmers once again. The workshops will be…

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Last call for county entries

If you want to attend the county championship meet submit your entries the same as every other meet. These must be in by noon Friday 6/21.

Additionally, if you are interested in attending the state championship meet, let me know ASAP

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First Meet

The first meet of the season starts this evening. Please be at the St. Marlo pool no later than 3:45. The theme is Hawaiian. Event entries are attached. If your swimmer was not at practice today, please copy their events from the attachment on to their arm in sharpie. If…

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St. Marlo Seals - Swim Team

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